FUN Series of three

Series of three

It is what I call myself a part of the restart in the 21e century with what I wanted (still want to do)to do with art.
It’s from 2001 and in a sort of “pre” stage with and from all what was happening and developing.
There is more artwork like this from me.

I had so much fun with it, that’s what I like to bring about.
I feel some limitations here by photography, which does not really reflect as it is, despite all the customization possibilities.

See it, feel it, you can so much more with it…..

Try it too!

It is a form of expression of infinity or multidimensionality.

I made the choice for these colours, they did for me the best in that moment, bring the most to me.

It can also be used in many other colours………
Like with music, so much variation……

It is done on very simple A4 120 grams paper, nothing special with that.
Chinese or Indian ink, I love the stuff, done with a brush and all kinds of pencils, colour pencils but also graphite pencils.


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