Hello to everybody en welcome to this 3rd series of photo’s.
The series is one of seven, taken one after the other wishing 5 minutes!
Date: September 18th 2007, it is AM time 09.00-09.05.
It is work of minutes and storytelling by clouds…..there is quite a lot of blue and there is cloud language, that’s what I call it, it is performed by Sylphs and Angels, a lot of variety in a short time, little grey to it, one story after the other or one can say scenes.
In a way this can now be interpreted as a part of the chaotic and confusing and the tumult that was them eleven years ago.
And then now, I”m talking about the past periode of June and July now too this year here in Holland, dry, rain …..uh not seen for a long time.
Tight blue skies…..Now, with very little storytelling by clouds, these vast blue skies make impression upon us.
It is actually to surrender to it.
There is also a picture of this, made this afternoon on the 3rd of July in the Now of 2018, 3 PM.
The blue is, if it stops being blue for us, opening a special mood and what is there happening and meant is, infinity is opening for us. And not only for here.
And our soul wants to flow out en in to it.
It has and gives a very special feeling.
It has to do with piety.