
Again from the Counselors of the Counsels

AGAIN FROM THE COUNSELORS OF THE COUNSELS Welcome How much is happening and which represents a multitude of experiences everywhere on/in the World of planet Earth. What a representation of this dear planet, which in all its honesty, awareness and tremendous sense of responsibility contributes to what is happening throughout the total Milky way, as…


THE MULTITUDE OF COUNSELORS OF THE COUNSELS Welcome, Due to the pace of the many rapid changes observed, observed from our side and the fast-growing communication to and via higher level with each other, (your beloved ones) in a fantastic reunion, we bring this again below. (bis)   What is it? For you, dear ones…

From the Counselors of the Counsels, 3rd message.

FROM THE COUNSELORS OF THE COUNSELS Welcome, It is…, yes what is it? Words are used, but it is much more than words. The whole that we Are and represent to the whole is now speaking here. Glory of principles. From the loving great family connection, from our inner intention to assist with higher dimensional…

Mother and the Mothers

Mother and the Mothers For guidance   Creative inspiration and effort. It's always done like this. Using the powers of Mother Being. Diligence and task. Specific coded reproductive material to be inherited. From the Seed mindset of The Father, chromosomes are there to spiralize, to the cosmogony essentia, the womb of The Mother.   Life…

Pete Seeger – My Father’s Mansion SONG

Pete Seeger I I have great admiration for this man, I suggest that everyone can find information about this on the internet. A folk singer, guitarist, prolific songwriter and activist. Transitioned to the other realms in 2014. Listened to and watched a lot via YouTube and iTunes store, among others. Herewith a very special song:…

Image and Word – Word and Image (I) Higher helping ones

IMAGE AND WORD – WORD AND IMAGE (I) Study, spirituality, for the blog of the website tjelpanja-art-spiritual I have made two sections of this. I have made the choice to place beautiful watercolor paintings by Liane Collot d'Herbois with permission. Light, Darkness … colours. That is because of study and spirituality and Life Itself.  …

Conversation with Samuel, 2nd

Monday, November 11th, 2019.   Conversation with Samuel, 2e. Best regards dear ones, all, in this continued conversation with me, I am Samuel.   And welcome and kind regards from us here, Anja and Michael, to you, Samuel and all.   Samuel: For the continuation you have been asked to consider questions that are real…

Conversation with Samuel, 1e

Monday October 28th, 2019.   Conversation with Samuel, 1e. Best regards dear ones, in this conversation with me, I am Samuel. First, I'd like to do some explanation about me, Samuel. Then I came to Earth in Rama, a habitation in the mountains of the tribe of Ephraim, about 1000 years before Christ. The 12 tribes…

About MICHAEL, archangel and a message from Archangel Michael

About MICHAEL Archangel and a message from Archangel Michael September, the last days of this month in 2019 In the past, in times gone by on Earth, people had more remembrance of the Higher and Spiritual worlds, they knew more about the face, another word for it is appearance. What is appearance, I have asked,…