It is nice to have contact with people and to meet more people and to get to know them. Welcome!
There is among others this internet contact form for.
I like to invite everybody who wants to respond to invite to be positive with whatever there will be asked or noticed.
I’m human being with a creative loving mind and I am open for co- operations and implementing ideas in unity.
It is also my intention to make come more alive again our paths of life as humans here on Earth. With kindness, attention for one and other, solidarity, respect for life given to us and also for the planet were are all living on and with, appreciation, joy and also peace and lots of love.
August 8th 2019, dear ones who are reading this while visiting the website, perhaps known to you, I have had to decide to add a captcha to the contact form. As you can probably understand, certain parties have used this on not with a kind intention.
The e-mail address has also been removed from the website. For all those who are kind enough to respond, this can only be done via the contact form with the captcha as mentioned.
Contact details
Anja Tjelpa