Tag: Channeling

Again from the Counselors of the Counsels

AGAIN FROM THE COUNSELORS OF THE COUNSELS Welcome How much is happening and which represents a multitude of experiences everywhere on/in the World of planet Earth. What a representation of this dear planet, which in all its honesty, awareness and tremendous sense of responsibility contributes to what is happening throughout the total Milky way, as…

From the Counselors of the Counsels, 3rd message.

FROM THE COUNSELORS OF THE COUNSELS Welcome, It is…, yes what is it? Words are used, but it is much more than words. The whole that we Are and represent to the whole is now speaking here. Glory of principles. From the loving great family connection, from our inner intention to assist with higher dimensional…

VIGOROSO – Archangel Sandalphon

VIGOROSO Archangel Sandalphon – New Moon period Around May 30, 2022 Via Anja Tjelpa Greetings dear family on Earth and others everywhere present,   As a representative, as an archangel, to create, produce and make audible the 'sounding', 'a' sound, tone, music, actually to maintain its entire archives for use and manifestation, hereby converted into…

Follower of Light, Lights

FOLLOWER OF LIGHT, LIGHT Here, dear ones, my Salute and meeting from my heart, from our hearts, from US, now. It is not everywhere in the world, the globe of Earth at the same time the 3rd of the month of May 2022. It is an important day/moment for everywhere, seen from the scope of…

Little Bits – Marvelous, CHRIST

CHRIST LITTLE BITS- MARVELOUS Via Anja Tjelpa, via a few days of the first month the year 2022 for placement on the last day of this month. Dear Ones, The Gift of Life in the Universe. The Gift of Life for a Life on Earth. The Creator's Act of Giving. Purpose, for realization. Goal realization with which…

Omnidirectional – Archangel Metatron

OMNIDIRECTIONAL   Metatron via Anja Tjelpa November 2021 from New Moon to Full Moon Lovingly greetings, dear ones on Earth. Contacting as a representative with message from the Highest Light Regions. All the vortices in the Omnial and the all-encompassing of all of the Global. The constellation in which planet Earth is located is stirring greatly because…

The Angle of Incidents – Ashtar

THE ANGLE OF INCIDENTS CHANNELING August 4th 2021 Here's my Salute and meeting from my heart, our hearts, from US, to our beloved family.   Many of us of the Galactic Federation have allied with you on Earth, within Earth, through higher communication channels. For many years these channels, currents have been active and have…

The Railing – Father Earth

THE RAILING Message via channeling with Father Earth – July 26th 2021. Father Earth: Hello dear Human Children of the Earth! Hello dear children of the Universe! Warm regards and Love from me to you! What an adventure, again divided into all kinds of adventures of all kind of natures, divided into and among individualities.…

PERSPECTIVISM – Samuel and Master Lanto

PERSPECTIVISM - July 2021 Intro: This message has come about through various moments over a number of days, actually a series, but not consecutively. Because the memory and what is associated with it is a bit different than before, it was a bit difficult to record everything in one day (part of a day). And a…

In a Different World – Archangel Michael Lady Faith

In a Different World Pentecost 2021 – Anja Tjelpa   Intro: Already for a while, don’t know for how many days, there is prepare for a channel message with Archangel Michael and Lady Faith. In this prepare contact they ask to look after some writings, already given information. On Whit Sunday they came clearly in…